LAHORE, Jan. 15: The Jamaat e Islami chief Syed Munawar Hasan has counseled President Asif Ali Zardari to pay attention to the problems of the masses, good governance and elimination of corruption instead of holding Awami Darbars. Addressing the Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he said the life of the common man had become miserable because of price hike, load shedding and sugar and atta crisis while the rulers were busy in loot and plunder, nepotism and building their bank balances. He said the masses had voted the present government with high hopes and for reversing Pervez Musharraf’s policies and solving their socio-economic problems but the two years rule of the PPP had disappointed them. He said after the Supreme Court verdict on the NRO, President Zardari seemed to be in trouble and the government managed vote of confidence from three provincial assemblies. But as vote of trust could not be secured from the Punjab Assembly, the President had thought of holding Awami Darbars. He said such tactics could not add to the popularity of the President nor could it be any service to democracy. In order to complete its term, the government should establish the supremacy of the constitution and the parliament and solve problems of the masses on priority basis. Syed Munawar Hasan stressed upon the government to approach the International Court of Justice in Dr A’fia s case. He said Dr A’fia had expressed no-confidence in the American judiciary as she did not expect justice from it. The US judicial system had been fully exposed with the inhuman and tyrannical treatment given to the Pakistani lady, he said.